Who’s the most famous anime character of all time? It’s Doraemon of course – Fat Face style!
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Xuan Nguyen

Clefairy (Pokemon)
Pokemon fans out there will no doubt recognise this character, Clefairy, the pink Pokemon that evolves from Cleffa and then into Clefable. Xuan created her own pattern for Clefairy after struggling to find a one that she liked.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Xuan Nguyen

My Neighbor Totoro
We received such a great response from Chu Totoro that Xuan decided to make all the Totoros. Here’s Totoro (grey) and his fellow companions Chu Totoro (blue) and Chibi Totoro (white).
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Chu Totoro (blue) by Christen’s Creations
Pattern: Totoro (grey) based on Christen’s Chu Totoro pattern with some modifications
Pattern: Chibi Totoro (white) by Xuan Nguyen

Kero Kero Keroppi
Here’s something that’s sure to bring back childhood memories for some – it’s Keroppi! This little green frog was one of Xuan’s favourite characters when she was growing up.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Tiamat Creations

Chu Totoro
Chu Totoro is the blue Totoro character from the Japanese anime My Neighbor Totoro. Xuan made him after a request from her sister in-law. Hope she likes him.
Creator: Xuan Nguyen
Pattern: Lucy Ravenscar